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mini3d::matrix< T, nR, nC > Class Template Reference

matrix - this class implements a 2D matrix templated by the element type and the size type More...

List of all members.

Public Types

typedef int size_t

Public Member Functions

 matrix ()
 Default constructor.
 matrix (const matrix<T, nR, nC>& src)
 Copy constructor.
virtual ~matrix ()
matrix<T, nR, nC> operator+ (const matrix<T, nR, nC>& rhs) const
 The matrix addition operator.
matrix<T, nR, nC>& operator+= (const matrix<T, nR, nC>& rhs)
 The in place matrix addition operator.
matrix<T, nR, nC> operator- ()
 The unary operator.
matrix<T, nR, nC> operator- (const matrix<T, nR, nC>& rhs) const
 The matrix subtraction operator.
matrix<T, nR, nC>& operator-= (const matrix<T, nR, nC>& rhs)
 The in place matrix subtraction operator.
matrix<T, nR, nC>& operator*= (int scale)
 The in place scalar multiplication operator.
matrix<T, nR, nC>& operator*= (float scale)
 The in place scalar multiplication operator.
matrix<T, nR, nC>& operator*= (double scale)
 The in place scalar multiplication operator.
matrix<T, nR, nC> operator* (int scale) const
 The scalar multiplication operator.
matrix<T, nR, nC> operator* (float scale) const
 The scalar multiplication operator.
matrix<T, nR, nC> operator* (double scale) const
 The scalar multiplication operator.
matrix<T, nR, nC>& operator/= (int scale)
 The in place scalar division operator.
matrix<T, nR, nC>& operator/= (float scale)
 The in place scalar division operator.
matrix<T, nR, nC>& operator/= (double scale)
 The in place scalar division operator.
matrix<T, nR, nC> operator/ (int scale) const
 The scalar division operator.
matrix<T, nR, nC> operator/ (float scale) const
 The scalar division operator.
matrix<T, nR, nC> operator/ (double scale) const
 The scalar division operator.
T& operator() (size_t row, size_t col)
 Get the element of the matrix (lvalue).
operator() (size_t row, size_t col) const
 Get the element of the matrix (rvalue).
template<int nC2>
matrix<T, nR, nC2> operator* (const matrix<T, nC, nC2>& b)
 Matrix multiplication function.
matrix<T, nR, nC>& operator= (const matrix<T, nR, nC>& src)
 The assignment operator.
size_t numRow () const
 Get the number of row of this matrix.
size_t numCol () const
 Get the number of column of this matrix.
bool isSquare () const
 Is it a square matrix.
matrix<T, nC, nR> transpose () const
 Get a transpose of this matrix.
void makeIdentity ()
 Make an identity matrix.
void makeZero ()
 Make a zero matrix.
void trim (T epsilon=EPSILON)
 Trim the element and set it to zero if < epsilon.

Protected Attributes

_m [nR][nC]


matrix<T, nR, nC> operator* (int scale, const matrix<T, nR, nC>& rhs)
 The scalar multiplication operator that allows the scalar value to preceed the matrix.
matrix<T, nR, nC> operator* (float scale, const matrix<T, nR, nC>& rhs)
 The scalar multiplication operator that allows the scalar value to preceed the matrix.
matrix<T, nR, nC> operator* (double scale, const matrix<T, nR, nC>& rhs)
 The scalar multiplication operator that allows the scalar value to preceed the matrix.
std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& os, const matrix<T, nR, nC>& m)
 The out stream operator.
std::istream& operator>> (std::istream& is, matrix<T, nR, nC>& m)
 The in stream operator.

Detailed Description

template <typename T, int nR, int nC>
class mini3d::matrix< T, nR, nC >

matrix - this class implements a 2D matrix templated by the element type and the size type

Member Typedef Documentation

template <typename T, int nR, int nC>
typedef int mini3d::matrix<T, nR, nC>::size_t

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

template <typename T, int nR, int nC>
mini3d::matrix<T, nR, nC>::matrix (  )  [inline]

Default constructor.

create a nR x nC matrix, m(i, j) = 0

template <typename T, int nR, int nC>
mini3d::matrix<T, nR, nC>::matrix ( const matrix<T, nR, nC>&  src  )  [inline]

Copy constructor.

src the matrix to be copied from

template <typename T, int nR, int nC>
virtual mini3d::matrix<T, nR, nC>::~matrix (  )  [inline, virtual]


Member Function Documentation

template <typename T, int nR, int nC>
bool mini3d::matrix<T, nR, nC>::isSquare (  )  const [inline]

Is it a square matrix.

true if it is square matrix, otherwise.

template <typename T, int nR, int nC>
void mini3d::matrix<T, nR, nC>::makeIdentity (  )  [inline]

Make an identity matrix.

template <typename T, int nR, int nC>
void mini3d::matrix<T, nR, nC>::makeZero (  )  [inline]

Make a zero matrix.

template <typename T, int nR, int nC>
size_t mini3d::matrix<T, nR, nC>::numCol (  )  const [inline]

Get the number of column of this matrix.

the number of column of this matrix

template <typename T, int nR, int nC>
size_t mini3d::matrix<T, nR, nC>::numRow (  )  const [inline]

Get the number of row of this matrix.

the number of row of this matrix

template <typename T, int nR, int nC>
template <int nC2>
matrix<T, nR, nC2> mini3d::matrix<T, nR, nC>::operator* ( const matrix<T, nC, nC2>&  b  )  [inline]

Matrix multiplication function.

b rhs matrix
(*this) * b

template <typename T, int nR, int nC>
matrix<T, nR, nC> mini3d::matrix<T, nR, nC>::operator* ( double  scale  )  const [inline]

The scalar multiplication operator.

scale a double scalar which you want to multiply
the matrix after the multiplication

template <typename T, int nR, int nC>
matrix<T, nR, nC> mini3d::matrix<T, nR, nC>::operator* ( float  scale  )  const [inline]

The scalar multiplication operator.

scale a float scalar which you want to multiply
the matrix after the multiplication

template <typename T, int nR, int nC>
matrix<T, nR, nC> mini3d::matrix<T, nR, nC>::operator* ( int  scale  )  const [inline]

The scalar multiplication operator.

scale an int scalar which you want to multiply
the matrix after the multiplication

template <typename T, int nR, int nC>
matrix<T, nR, nC>& mini3d::matrix<T, nR, nC>::operator*= ( double  scale  )  [inline]

The in place scalar multiplication operator.

scale a double scalar which you want to multiply
this matrix after the multiplication

template <typename T, int nR, int nC>
matrix<T, nR, nC>& mini3d::matrix<T, nR, nC>::operator*= ( float  scale  )  [inline]

The in place scalar multiplication operator.

scale a float scalar which you want to multiply
this matrix after the multiplication

template <typename T, int nR, int nC>
matrix<T, nR, nC>& mini3d::matrix<T, nR, nC>::operator*= ( int  scale  )  [inline]

The in place scalar multiplication operator.

scale an int scalar which you want to multiply
this matrix after the multiplication

template <typename T, int nR, int nC>
T mini3d::matrix<T, nR, nC>::operator() ( size_t  row,
size_t  col
const [inline]

Get the element of the matrix (rvalue).

row the row index of the element
col the column index of the element
the element of the matrix at the specified location

template <typename T, int nR, int nC>
T& mini3d::matrix<T, nR, nC>::operator() ( size_t  row,
size_t  col

Get the element of the matrix (lvalue).

row the row index of the element
col the column index of the element
the element of the matrix at the specified location

template <typename T, int nR, int nC>
matrix<T, nR, nC> mini3d::matrix<T, nR, nC>::operator+ ( const matrix<T, nR, nC>&  rhs  )  const [inline]

The matrix addition operator.

rhs the matrix which you want to add
the matrix after the addition

template <typename T, int nR, int nC>
matrix<T, nR, nC>& mini3d::matrix<T, nR, nC>::operator+= ( const matrix<T, nR, nC>&  rhs  )  [inline]

The in place matrix addition operator.

rhs the matrix which you want to add
this matrix after the addition

template <typename T, int nR, int nC>
matrix<T, nR, nC> mini3d::matrix<T, nR, nC>::operator- ( const matrix<T, nR, nC>&  rhs  )  const [inline]

The matrix subtraction operator.

rhs the matrix which you want to subtract
the matrix after the subtraction

template <typename T, int nR, int nC>
matrix<T, nR, nC> mini3d::matrix<T, nR, nC>::operator- (  )  [inline]

The unary operator.

the unary of this matrix

template <typename T, int nR, int nC>
matrix<T, nR, nC>& mini3d::matrix<T, nR, nC>::operator-= ( const matrix<T, nR, nC>&  rhs  )  [inline]

The in place matrix subtraction operator.

rhs the matrix which you want to subtract
this matrix after the subtraction

template <typename T, int nR, int nC>
matrix<T, nR, nC> mini3d::matrix<T, nR, nC>::operator/ ( double  scale  )  const [inline]

The scalar division operator.

scale a double scalar which you want to divide
the matrix after the division

template <typename T, int nR, int nC>
matrix<T, nR, nC> mini3d::matrix<T, nR, nC>::operator/ ( float  scale  )  const [inline]

The scalar division operator.

scale a float scalar which you want to divide
the matrix after the division

template <typename T, int nR, int nC>
matrix<T, nR, nC> mini3d::matrix<T, nR, nC>::operator/ ( int  scale  )  const [inline]

The scalar division operator.

scale an int scalar which you want to divide
the matrix after the division

template <typename T, int nR, int nC>
matrix<T, nR, nC>& mini3d::matrix<T, nR, nC>::operator/= ( double  scale  )  [inline]

The in place scalar division operator.

scale a double scalar which you want to divide
this matrix after the division

template <typename T, int nR, int nC>
matrix<T, nR, nC>& mini3d::matrix<T, nR, nC>::operator/= ( float  scale  )  [inline]

The in place scalar division operator.

scale a float scalar which you want to divide
this matrix after the division

template <typename T, int nR, int nC>
matrix<T, nR, nC>& mini3d::matrix<T, nR, nC>::operator/= ( int  scale  )  [inline]

The in place scalar division operator.

scale an int scalar which you want to divide
this matrix after the division

template <typename T, int nR, int nC>
matrix<T, nR, nC>& mini3d::matrix<T, nR, nC>::operator= ( const matrix<T, nR, nC>&  src  )  [inline]

The assignment operator.

src the matrix you want to copy from
this matrix after the assigment

template <typename T, int nR, int nC>
matrix<T, nC, nR> mini3d::matrix<T, nR, nC>::transpose (  )  const [inline]

Get a transpose of this matrix.

transpose of this matrix

Reimplemented in mini3d::matrix3d, and mini3d::matrix4d.

template <typename T, int nR, int nC>
void mini3d::matrix<T, nR, nC>::trim ( epsilon = EPSILON  )  [inline]

Trim the element and set it to zero if < epsilon.

epsilon the epsilon for testing of equality

Friends And Related Function Documentation

template <typename T, int nR, int nC>
matrix<T, nR, nC> operator* ( double  scale,
const matrix<T, nR, nC>&  rhs

The scalar multiplication operator that allows the scalar value to preceed the matrix.

scale a double scalar which you want to multiply
the matrix after the multiplication

template <typename T, int nR, int nC>
matrix<T, nR, nC> operator* ( float  scale,
const matrix<T, nR, nC>&  rhs

The scalar multiplication operator that allows the scalar value to preceed the matrix.

scale a float scalar which you want to multiply
the matrix after the multiplication

template <typename T, int nR, int nC>
matrix<T, nR, nC> operator* ( int  scale,
const matrix<T, nR, nC>&  rhs

The scalar multiplication operator that allows the scalar value to preceed the matrix.

scale an int scalar which you want to multiply
the matrix after the multiplication

template <typename T, int nR, int nC>
std::ostream& operator<< ( std::ostream&  os,
const matrix<T, nR, nC>&  m

The out stream operator.

os the ostream
m the matrix
the ostream

template <typename T, int nR, int nC>
std::istream& operator>> ( std::istream&  is,
matrix<T, nR, nC>&  m

The in stream operator.

is the istream
m the matrix
the istream

Member Data Documentation

template <typename T, int nR, int nC>
T mini3d::matrix<T, nR, nC>::_m[nR][nC] [protected]

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