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mini3d Namespace Reference


class  array
 array - A template array class More...
class  DllClass
class  exception
 the base mini3d exception class More...
class  divide_by_zero
 the divided by zero exception class More...
class  matrix
 matrix - this class implements a 2D matrix templated by the element type and the size type More...
class  matrix3d
 matrix3d - A 3x3 double matrix class, derived from matrix<double, 3, 3> More...
class  matrix4d
 matrix4d - A 4x4 double matrix class, derived from matrix<double, 4, 4> More...
class  opAngle
 opAngle - helper function for angle convertion More...
class  opEquality
 opEquality - Check if two entities are the same More...
class  opEqualityIf
 opEqualityIf - Check if two entities are the same More...
class  point3d
 point3d - A 3D point class, derived from array<double, 3> More...
class  point4d
 point4d - A 4D point class, derived from array<double, 4> More...
class  quat4d
 quat4d - A 4D quaternion class, derived from array<double, 4> More...
class  vector3d
 vector3d - A 3D vector class, derived from array<double, 3> More...


typedef array<double, 2> array2d
typedef array<double, 3> array3d
typedef array<double, 4> array4d
typedef array<double, 16> array16d
typedef array<unsigned int, 2> array2ui
typedef array<unsigned int, 3> array3ui
typedef array<unsigned int, 4> array4ui
typedef array<unsigned int, 16> array16ui
typedef array<int, 2> array2i
typedef array<int, 3> array3i
typedef array<int, 4> array4i
typedef array<int, 16> array16i


template<typename T, int nR1, int nC1, int nC2>
void mult (const matrix<T, nR1, nC1>& a, const matrix<T, nC1, nC2>& b, matrix<T, nR1, nC2>& c)
 Matrix multiplication function.
template<typename T, int nR, int nC>
void add (const matrix<T, nR, nC>& a, const matrix<T, nR, nC>& b, matrix<T, nR, nC>& c)
 Matrix adding function.
template<typename T, int nR, int nC>
void sub (const matrix<T, nR, nC>& a, const matrix<T, nR, nC>& b, matrix<T, nR, nC>& c)
 Matrix minu function.
template<typename T, int nR, int nC>
void trans (const matrix<T, nR, nC>& a, matrix<T, nC, nR>& b)
 Transpose a matrix.


const double PI = 3.1415926535897932384626433832795
const double PI_2 = PI / 2.0
const double PI2 = 2.0* PI
const double EPSILON = 1e-7
const int OS_PRECISION = 8
const int OS_SETW = 18

Typedef Documentation

typedef array<double, 16> mini3d::array16d

typedef array<int, 16> mini3d::array16i

typedef array<unsigned int, 16> mini3d::array16ui

typedef array<double, 2> mini3d::array2d

typedef array<int, 2> mini3d::array2i

typedef array<unsigned int, 2> mini3d::array2ui

typedef array<double, 3> mini3d::array3d

typedef array<int, 3> mini3d::array3i

typedef array<unsigned int, 3> mini3d::array3ui

typedef array<double, 4> mini3d::array4d

typedef array<int, 4> mini3d::array4i

typedef array<unsigned int, 4> mini3d::array4ui

Function Documentation

template <typename T, int nR, int nC>
void mini3d::add ( const matrix<T, nR, nC>&  a,
const matrix<T, nR, nC>&  b,
matrix<T, nR, nC>&  c

Matrix adding function.

c = a + b

a left matrix
b rhs matrix
c result matrix

template <typename T, int nR1, int nC1, int nC2>
void mini3d::mult ( const matrix<T, nR1, nC1>&  a,
const matrix<T, nC1, nC2>&  b,
matrix<T, nR1, nC2>&  c

Matrix multiplication function.

c = a * b

a left matrix
b rhs matrix
c result matrix

template <typename T, int nR, int nC>
void mini3d::sub ( const matrix<T, nR, nC>&  a,
const matrix<T, nR, nC>&  b,
matrix<T, nR, nC>&  c

Matrix minu function.

c = a - b

a left matrix
b rhs matrix
c result matrix

template <typename T, int nR, int nC>
void mini3d::trans ( const matrix<T, nR, nC>&  a,
matrix<T, nC, nR>&  b

Transpose a matrix.

b = a^{t}

a matrix to be transposed
b transposed matrix

Variable Documentation

const double mini3d::EPSILON = 1e-7

const int mini3d::OS_PRECISION = 8

const int mini3d::OS_SETW = 18

const double mini3d::PI = 3.1415926535897932384626433832795

const double mini3d::PI2 = 2.0* PI

const double mini3d::PI_2 = PI / 2.0

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